Unit 2 conslusion

The unit number two was very interesting to us, we learned a lot about instructional methods. An instructional method can be defined as the process by which instruction occurs, whether that might be lecture, class discussion, small group discussion, simulation, experience, or individual project. Also, we learned that every method that a teacher uses has advantages, disadvantages, and requires some preliminary preparation. Every part of this unit was very helpful to us in order to understand when we can use each method. Every instructional method is good but now we know that every particular lesson depends on many things, and among them are the age and developmental level of the students, what the students already know, and what they need to know to succeed with the lesson, the subject matter content, the objective of the lesson, the available people, time, space and material resources, and the physical setting. We liked our Educational Technology class and the activities we did during it.

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